
Firmenname: VNCW - Vereniging Nederlandse Chemische Warehousingbedrijven

Legal form of the company: international non-profit association

Established in: 2008

Contact person: Lucien Govaert

Staff: four

Secretariat: Arnhem


The purpose of the VNCW (Vereniging Nederlandse Chemische Warehousingbedrijven is to act as a non-profit association representing the Dutch chemical warehousing companies to the public and governmental bodies and to advance the interests of the industry. Issues dealt with by the VNCW may relate to safe storage of chemicals, Seveso III, ADR, sprinkersystems, packages and safe working conditions. Membership includes companies in the related sectors. VNCW currently represents a substantial segment of the Dutch Chemical warehousing sector. The VNCW is funded by an annual subscription from the members.


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